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Monday, June 7, 2021



Colonial India was the part of the Indian subcontinent that was under the jurisdiction of European colonial powers during the Age of Discovery. European power was exerted both by conquest and trade, especially in spices.The search for the wealth and prosperity of India led to the colonization of the Americas after their discovery by Christopher Columbus in 1492. Only a few years later, near the end of the 15th century, Portuguese sailor Vasco da Gama became the first European to re-establish direct trade links with India since Roman times by being the first to arrive by circumnavigating Africa (c. 1497–1499). Having arrived in Calicut, which by then was one of the major trading ports of the eastern world,he obtained permission to trade in the city from Saamoothiri Rajah. The next to arrive were the Dutch, with their main base in Ceylon. Their expansion into India was halted, after their defeat in the Battle of Colachel by the Kingdom of Travancore, during the Travancore-Dutch War.
Trading rivalries among the seafaring European powers brought other European powers to India. The Dutch Republic, England, France, and Denmark-Norway all established trading posts in India in the early 17th century. As the Mughal Empire disintegrated in the early 18th century, and then as the Maratha Empire became weakened after the third battle of Panipat, many relatively weak and unstable Indian states which emerged were increasingly open to manipulation by the Europeans, through dependent Indian rulers.

In the later 18th century, Great Britain and France struggled for dominance, partly through proxy Indian rulers but also by direct military intervention. The defeat of the formidable Indian ruler Tipu Sultan in 1799 marginalised the French influence. This was followed by a rapid expansion of British power through the greater part of the Indian subcontinent in the early 19th century. By the middle of the century, the British had already gained direct or indirect control over almost all of India. British India, consisting of the directly-ruled British presidencies and provinces, contained the most populous and valuable parts of the British Empire and thus became known as "the jewel in the British crown".

India, during its colonial era, was a founding member of the League of Nations, a participating nation in the Summer Olympics in 1900, 1920, 1928, 1932, and 1936, and a founding member of the United Nations in San Francisco in 1945.In 1947, India gained its independence and was partitioned into the Dominion of India and the Dominion of Pakistan, the latter of which was created as a homeland for colonial India's Muslims.

As Britain struggles with Brexit, and evokes “imperial nostalgia”, Shashi Tharoor’s book, “An Era of Darkness: the British Empire in India”, demolishes at least three common myths. First, the myth of the beneficence of British colonialism. Then there is the notion that 18th century England was a promising model of democratic governance.

And lastly is the myth of the English gentleman. For example, Robert Clive, the once (in)famous “Clive of India”, was a juvenile delinquent who arrived in Madras in 1744 as an 18-year clerk, but found his vocation as a thuggish fighter in the small security force of the East India Company.

The story of British colonisation of India is in fact at least two stories. First, through the 18th century, much of India was progressively conquered by the East India Company, a violent and rapacious enterprise, supported by the British crown. But then, the East India Company’s own army (mainly comprising Indians) led an uprising against it in 1857 -- known as the Indian Mutiny or the First War of Indian independence. This uprising was ultimately unsuccessful, and following this, the British Crown took over governing India from the East India Company until India’s independence.

Friday, June 4, 2021



After the second battle of Tarain, the Islamic rule started in India. Moreover, I would like to clear a common misconception. Some people think that after Ghori came, India was totally under the influence of Islam. This is wrong. The Islamic dynasties(except Tuglaqs and Mughals) never controlled more than 40% of the Indian subcontinent. Moreover the South was under the influence of Islamic rule for not a very long time. The Cholas stopped the Islamic invaders from entering the south for a long time. Then, the Vijayanagar empire stopped Islamic rulers from entering south and then the imperial Marathas. Moreover, not all the Islamic rulers were radical and orthodox. Emperors like Akbar and Sher Shah Suri were tolerant towards other religions. But no one can deny the fact that Islamic rulers destroyed various Buddhist monasteries because according to them it was a threat to them. India may not have lost nothing financially due to Islamic invasion but have lost a lot of things culturally including the Nalanda university. Even after this, our NCERT book only feels the need to mention that Aurangzeb have given grants for temple building without any clear evidence.

After the second battle of Tarain, Chori returned back to Afghanistan. He later died there and his empire got divided in pieces as he was not having children. Taj-ud-Din Yildoz became the ruler of Ghazni, Muhammad bin Bakhtiyar Khilji got Bengal and Nasir-ud-Din Qabacha became the sultan of Multan. Qutb ud-Din Aibak became the sultan of Delhi, and this was the beginning of the Slave dynasty. 


The first ruler the slave dynasty was Qutub-ud-din Aibak. His reign was short-lived as he died in the year 1210. The second ruler was Alam shah. He was assassinated by Illtutmish. The later rulers were weak and thus many noblemen gained autonomy and formed separate empires. But, they were able to rotect the empire from external threats(Remember that they were also an external power).


The Khaljis were the vassals of Slave dynasty. All the Turkish nobles were murdered and the Afghans established their supremacy and established the Khalji dynasty. After this, there was no major Turkish ruler in India. They also were able to protect their kingdom from external power. The tax system introduced during the Khalji dynasty had a long term influence on Indian taxation system and state administration.


Historians named this dynasty as Tuglaq for their convenience as only Muhammad bin called himself the son of tuglaq shah(bin-tuglaq). Muhammad-bin Tuglaq expanded the kingdom but this was expensive and thus increased taxes for non-muslims by tenthfold. Thus many hindus quit farming which led to famine. This was his complete failure and thus we would remember him not for expansion but for his cruelty. He was even cruel to certain sect on Muslims(something that was not common among other Muslim rulers). This dynasty wasnot able to protect it self from the external invaders and this, Timur raided Delhi in 1398. The sultan when to Gujarat when Timur came. It took Delhi a centuy to revive from the catastrophe.


This dynasty ruled for a short period of time. This dynasty lose massive area and the local dynasties started coming up. It was founded by Khizr Khan. Timur appointed Khizr Khan as the deputy of Multan. He then captured Delhi and established Sayyid Dynasty.


This was the last dynasty of Delhi Sultanate. This was founded by Bahlul Lodi. The empire extended a bit during the reign of Lodis. Bahlul Lodi was succeeded by Sikandar and then Ibrahim Lodi. The empire ended after Ibrahim Lodi lost in the 1st battle of Panipat in 1526. 


This empire was founded by Babur, the great-great grandson of Timur. After, Ibrahim Lodi, Babur had to face Rana Sanga(According to Babur, he was the greatest king of that time along with Krisnadeva Raya). He then won the battle of Khanwa- the most decisive battle of Babur. His son Humayun annexed the throne. He lost to Sher Shah Suri but again captured the empire after Sher Shah Suri empire. Then his son Akbar annexed the empire. He was no doubt the best king of the Dynasty.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021



The meaning of the term medieval means 'resembling or likened to the Middle Ages, especially in being cruel, uncivilized, or primitive'. Thus, the term medieval is no where appropriate to be used in context with the history of India. There was no of such 'sudden' development after the end of medieval period, but actually we where deteriorating years after years due to Britishers. It is for no surprise to me when I got to know that this classification was introduced by the Britishers, but I was astounded by the fact that many historians in India also use this term with no reluctance. Some historians(including our NCERT book) showed passive resistance towards this but continued to use the term in their textbooks. I have got no person who has actually came up with a term, which can  replace the term 'medieval' from our Indian history. There was no such thing that happened during the beginning of medieval India, the term medieval was actually justifying for the Europe where the imperial rule of roman empire ended. As of India, it is hard to divide Indian history on the basis of development. Its enough for the discussion of the term  'medieval'. Lets move further towards understanding the empires during the medieval times.

During the starting of medieval period, small regional empires were ruling India except from the chalukyas which ruling until the rashtrakutas take their region.


The empire was established when Dantidurga(ruler of elichipur clan who was a feudatory of Chalukyas) overthrow the chalukya king Kirtivaman. The early kings of this dynasty were influenced by Hinduism whereas the later kings were influenced by Jainism. This dynasty never get the time to settle down due to expansion and invasion by the palas and the paramaras. During this period, Kannada was given the same respect as Sanskrit. They mostly settled around the Maharashtra and Karnataka region.


When Shashank's kingdom fall, the Bengal was in a state of anarchy. Gopala(the first ruler of the dynasty) was elected as the ruler and he established the Pala dynasty. His son Dharmapala expanded his empire. He captured kannauj and a large portion of northern India. But soon, the Pratihara king annexed kannauj. Later, Dharmapala was succeeded by his son Devpala(most powerful Pala king). Soon after the death of Devpala, the empire started to decline. After annexation by weak rulers, the empire was overthrown. Ramapala was the last Pala king.


Under Nagabhatta II, it was the most powerful dynasty in the northern India. Under Mahendrapala I the empire reached the peak of its prosperity. During that time they were called the Maharajadhiraja of Aryavratta. Their last ruler Rajyapal was driven down from Kannauj by Mahmud of Ghazni.


This dynasty is one of the world's longest ruling dynasty as it started ruling from 3rd century BC and continued to rule up to 13th century AD. However, this dynasty controlled a large territory only between 9th century to 12th century. This empire expanded under Rajaraja Chola. To the south thee empire stretched till the Maldives. Chola were the first one to bring the whole south under one territory.
They declines due to the rise of Pandian empire.


It is not clear whether who is the founder of Pallava dynasty. Mahendravarman I is considered to to be the greatest ruler of Pallava dynasty. Shore temple at mahabalipuram was constructed during the Pallava rule.



They were the feudatories of Gurjara Pratiharas.Nannuka was the founder of the Chandela dynasty. They ruled mostly at Bundelkhand area. The famous Khajuraho temple was built by Chandelas.


Upendra is regarded as the founder of Paramara dynasty. Under king Bhoja, a new city named Bhojpur was established. They are also called the Pawar dynasty.


They mostly ruled around the Gujarat region. During the reign of Bhima I, Mahmud Ghazni attacked the holy Somnath temple for the sake of money. For him, the Somnath temple may be just a building with precious gems, but for the hindus, it is the most sacred Shiva temple. I feel pity for the barbarian, who have disgraced Lord Shiva, just for a materialistic thing such as gems.  


They ruled around the Uttar Pradesh and Bihar region. Their capital was Kannauj. According to Chandrabardai's texts, the Gahadavala king Jaichanda had supported Mohammad Ghori in the battle of Tarain but later, Ghori attacked the Gahadavalas and diminished them.


They are also known as Chahamanas of Shakambhari. They rules from 6th century to 12th century.
They were defeated in the second battle of Tarain. 


The meaning of the term medieval means 'resembling or likened to the Middle Ages, especially in being cruel, uncivilized, or primitive'. Thus, the term medieval is no where appropriate to be used in context with the history of India. There was no of such 'sudden' development after the end of medieval period, but actually we where deteriorating years after years due to Britishers. It is for no surprise to me when I got to know that this classification was introduced by the Britishers, but I was astounded by the fact that many historians in India also use this term with no reluctance. Some historians(including our NCERT book) showed passive resistance towards this but continued to use the term in their textbooks. I have got no person who has actually came up with a term, which can  replace the term 'medieval' from our Indian history. There was no such thing that happened during the beginning of medieval India, the term medieval was actually justifying for the Europe where the imperial rule of roman empire ended. As of India, it is hard to divide Indian history on the basis of development. Its enough for the discussion of the term  'medieval'. Lets move further towards understanding the empires during the medieval times.

During the starting of medieval period, small regional empires were ruling India except from the chalukyas which ruling until the rashtrakutas take their region.


The empire was established when Dantidurga(ruler of elichipur clan who was a feudatory of Chalukyas) overthrow the chalukya king Kirtivaman. The early kings of this dynasty were influenced by Hinduism whereas the later kings were influenced by Jainism. This dynasty never get the time to settle down due to expansion and invasion by the palas and the paramaras. During this period, Kannada was given the same respect as Sanskrit. They mostly settled around the Maharashtra and Karnataka region.


When Shashank's kingdom fall, the Bengal was in a state of anarchy. Gopala(the first ruler of the dynasty) was elected as the ruler and he established the Pala dynasty. His son Dharmapala expanded his empire. He captured kannauj and a large portion of northern India. But soon, the Pratihara king annexed kannauj. Later, Dharmapala was succeeded by his son Devpala(most powerful Pala king). Soon after the death of Devpala, the empire started to decline. After annexation by weak rulers, the empire was overthrown. Ramapala was the last Pala king.


Under Nagabhatta II, it was the most powerful dynasty in the northern India. Under Mahendrapala I the empire reached the peak of its prosperity. During that time they were called the Maharajadhiraja of Aryavratta. Their last ruler Rajyapal was driven down from Kannauj by Mahmud of Ghazni.


This dynasty is one of the world's longest ruling dynasty as it started ruling from 3rd century BC and continued to rule up to 13th century AD. However, this dynasty controlled a large territory only between 9th century to 12th century. This empire expanded under Rajaraja Chola. To the south thee empire stretched till the Maldives. Chola were the first one to bring the whole south under one territory.
They declines due to the rise of Pandian empire.


It is not clear whether who is the founder of Pallava dynasty. Mahendravarman I is considered to to be the greatest ruler of Pallava dynasty. Shore temple at mahabalipuram was constructed during the Pallava rule.



They were the feudatories of Gurjara Pratiharas.Nannuka was the founder of the Chandela dynasty. They ruled mostly at Bundelkhand area. The famous Khajuraho temple was built by Chandelas.


Upendra is regarded as the founder of Paramara dynasty. Under king Bhoja, a new city named Bhojpur was established. They are also called the Pawar dynasty.


They mostly ruled around the Gujarat region. During the reign of Bhima I, Mahmud Ghazni attacked the holy Somnath temple for the sake of money. For him, the Somnath temple may be just a building with precious gems, but for the hindus, it is the most sacred Shiva temple. I feel pity for the barbarian, who have disgraced Lord Shiva, just for a materialistic thing such as gems.  


They ruled around the Uttar Pradesh and Bihar region. Their capital was Kannauj. According to Chandrabardai's texts, the Gahadavala king Jaichanda had supported Mohammad Ghori in the battle of Tarain but later, Ghori attacked the Gahadavalas and diminished them.


They are also known as Chahamanas of Shakambhari. They rules from 6th century to 12th century.
They were defeated in the second battle of Tarain. 


The meaning of the term medieval means 'resembling or likened to the Middle Ages, especially in being cruel, uncivilized, or primitive'. Thus, the term medieval is no where appropriate to be used in context with the history of India. There was no of such 'sudden' development after the end of medieval period, but actually we where deteriorating years after years due to Britishers. It is for no surprise to me when I got to know that this classification was introduced by the Britishers, but I was astounded by the fact that many historians in India also use this term with no reluctance. Some historians(including our NCERT book) showed passive resistance towards this but continued to use the term in their textbooks. I have got no person who has actually came up with a term, which can  replace the term 'medieval' from our Indian history. There was no such thing that happened during the beginning of medieval India, the term medieval was actually justifying for the Europe where the imperial rule of roman empire ended. As of India, it is hard to divide Indian history on the basis of development. Its enough for the discussion of the term  'medieval'. Lets move further towards understanding the empires during the medieval times.

During the starting of medieval period, small regional empires were ruling India except from the chalukyas which ruling until the rashtrakutas take their region.


The empire was established when Dantidurga(ruler of elichipur clan who was a feudatory of Chalukyas) overthrow the chalukya king Kirtivaman. The early kings of this dynasty were influenced by Hinduism whereas the later kings were influenced by Jainism. This dynasty never get the time to settle down due to expansion and invasion by the palas and the paramaras. During this period, Kannada was given the same respect as Sanskrit. They mostly settled around the Maharashtra and Karnataka region.


When Shashank's kingdom fall, the Bengal was in a state of anarchy. Gopala(the first ruler of the dynasty) was elected as the ruler and he established the Pala dynasty. His son Dharmapala expanded his empire. He captured kannauj and a large portion of northern India. But soon, the Pratihara king annexed kannauj. Later, Dharmapala was succeeded by his son Devpala(most powerful Pala king). Soon after the death of Devpala, the empire started to decline. After annexation by weak rulers, the empire was overthrown. Ramapala was the last Pala king.


Under Nagabhatta II, it was the most powerful dynasty in the northern India. Under Mahendrapala I the empire reached the peak of its prosperity. During that time they were called the Maharajadhiraja of Aryavratta. Their last ruler Rajyapal was driven down from Kannauj by Mahmud of Ghazni.


This dynasty is one of the world's longest ruling dynasty as it started ruling from 3rd century BC and continued to rule up to 13th century AD. However, this dynasty controlled a large territory only between 9th century to 12th century. This empire expanded under Rajaraja Chola. To the south thee empire stretched till the Maldives. Chola were the first one to bring the whole south under one territory.
They declines due to the rise of Pandian empire.


It is not clear whether who is the founder of Pallava dynasty. Mahendravarman I is considered to to be the greatest ruler of Pallava dynasty. Shore temple at mahabalipuram was constructed during the Pallava rule.



They were the feudatories of Gurjara Pratiharas.Nannuka was the founder of the Chandela dynasty. They ruled mostly at Bundelkhand area. The famous Khajuraho temple was built by Chandelas.


Upendra is regarded as the founder of Paramara dynasty. Under king Bhoja, a new city named Bhojpur was established. They are also called the Pawar dynasty.


They mostly ruled around the Gujarat region. During the reign of Bhima I, Mahmud Ghazni attacked the holy Somnath temple for the sake of money. For him, the Somnath temple may be just a building with precious gems, but for the hindus, it is the most sacred Shiva temple. I feel pity for the barbarian, who have disgraced Lord Shiva, just for a materialistic thing such as gems.  


They ruled around the Uttar Pradesh and Bihar region. Their capital was Kannauj. According to Chandrabardai's texts, the Gahadavala king Jaichanda had supported Mohammad Ghori in the battle of Tarain but later, Ghori attacked the Gahadavalas and diminished them.


They are also known as Chahamanas of Shakambhari. They rules from 6th century to 12th century.
They were defeated in the second battle of Tarain. 


The meaning of the term medieval means 'resembling or likened to the Middle Ages, especially in being cruel, uncivilized, or primitive'. Thus, the term medieval is no where appropriate to be used in context with the history of India. There was no of such 'sudden' development after the end of medieval period, but actually we where deteriorating years after years due to Britishers. It is for no surprise to me when I got to know that this classification was introduced by the Britishers, but I was astounded by the fact that many historians in India also use this term with no reluctance. Some historians(including our NCERT book) showed passive resistance towards this but continued to use the term in their textbooks. I have got no person who has actually came up with a term, which can  replace the term 'medieval' from our Indian history. There was no such thing that happened during the beginning of medieval India, the term medieval was actually justifying for the Europe where the imperial rule of roman empire ended. As of India, it is hard to divide Indian history on the basis of development. Its enough for the discussion of the term  'medieval'. Lets move further towards understanding the empires during the medieval times.

During the starting of medieval period, small regional empires were ruling India except from the chalukyas which ruling until the rashtrakutas take their region.


The empire was established when Dantidurga(ruler of elichipur clan who was a feudatory of Chalukyas) overthrow the chalukya king Kirtivaman. The early kings of this dynasty were influenced by Hinduism whereas the later kings were influenced by Jainism. This dynasty never get the time to settle down due to expansion and invasion by the palas and the paramaras. During this period, Kannada was given the same respect as Sanskrit. They mostly settled around the Maharashtra and Karnataka region.


When Shashank's kingdom fall, the Bengal was in a state of anarchy. Gopala(the first ruler of the dynasty) was elected as the ruler and he established the Pala dynasty. His son Dharmapala expanded his empire. He captured kannauj and a large portion of northern India. But soon, the Pratihara king annexed kannauj. Later, Dharmapala was succeeded by his son Devpala(most powerful Pala king). Soon after the death of Devpala, the empire started to decline. After annexation by weak rulers, the empire was overthrown. Ramapala was the last Pala king.


Under Nagabhatta II, it was the most powerful dynasty in the northern India. Under Mahendrapala I the empire reached the peak of its prosperity. During that time they were called the Maharajadhiraja of Aryavratta. Their last ruler Rajyapal was driven down from Kannauj by Mahmud of Ghazni.


This dynasty is one of the world's longest ruling dynasty as it started ruling from 3rd century BC and continued to rule up to 13th century AD. However, this dynasty controlled a large territory only between 9th century to 12th century. This empire expanded under Rajaraja Chola. To the south thee empire stretched till the Maldives. Chola were the first one to bring the whole south under one territory.
They declines due to the rise of Pandian empire.


It is not clear whether who is the founder of Pallava dynasty. Mahendravarman I is considered to to be the greatest ruler of Pallava dynasty. Shore temple at mahabalipuram was constructed during the Pallava rule.



They were the feudatories of Gurjara Pratiharas.Nannuka was the founder of the Chandela dynasty. They ruled mostly at Bundelkhand area. The famous Khajuraho temple was built by Chandelas.


Upendra is regarded as the founder of Paramara dynasty. Under king Bhoja, a new city named Bhojpur was established. They are also called the Pawar dynasty.


They mostly ruled around the Gujarat region. During the reign of Bhima I, Mahmud Ghazni attacked the holy Somnath temple for the sake of money. For him, the Somnath temple may be just a building with precious gems, but for the hindus, it is the most sacred Shiva temple. I feel pity for the barbarian, who have disgraced Lord Shiva, just for a materialistic thing such as gems.  


They ruled around the Uttar Pradesh and Bihar region. Their capital was Kannauj. According to Chandrabardai's texts, the Gahadavala king Jaichanda had supported Mohammad Ghori in the battle of Tarain but later, Ghori attacked the Gahadavalas and diminished them.


They are also known as Chahamanas of Shakambhari. They rules from 6th century to 12th century.
They fought many battles with the regional dynasties. They defeated Mohammad Ghori, a barbarian who has came from Afghanistan to loot India and had taken most of the wealth to Afghanistan. Woefully, the barbarian won the second battle of Tarain.


COLONIAL INDIA Colonial India was the part of the Indian subcontinent that was under the jurisdiction of European colonial powers during the...